About ClearVision
ClearVision is a non-profit organization that has built a team of the world’s leading experts in using entertainment media for positive social change from the international field of entertainment education (EE) in order to adapt and apply this strategy in the U.S. commercial market.
The Need for ClearVision
The U.S. entertainment industry is our most powerful cultural influence, teacher of values, lifestyles, and social norms. Yet its single bottom line business model and the fragmentation of the media marketplace has resulted in the bulk of entertainment it produces appealing increasingly to people’s lower nature as the surest way to attract audiences and make money. Without a system for producing entertainment that incorporates a voluntary moral rudder to ensure that entertainment programs have a positive impact and support our core values as a society (which is integral to the EE strategy) business as usual in Hollywood will not change.
ClearVision’s Role
Despite the enormous challenges that America is facing, the EE strategy has never been systematically applied in the U.S. as a comprehensive social change strategy because a Project Champion is needed to launch and coordinate such a campaign. ClearVision has embraced this pioneering role of U.S. Project Champion. We are committed to fully applying the EE strategy and bridging the diverse worlds of a broad range of groups and individuals whose cooperation is essential to demonstrating EE’s effectiveness.
ClearVision, founded in 1998, received its 501(c)(3) non-profit status in 1999.